Monday, September 17, 2007

Brindle & Glass and the Giller long list

A Brindle & Glass novel, The Reckoning of Boston Jim, by Claire Mulligan, just made the Giller long list! Very exciting! Kind of makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I will be keeping my fingers crossed for Claire.

Here's the link for Claire's book:

Also, I just noticed that they've got some info about Things Go Flying on the website too!

For the full Giller long list, go to Quillblog at


Heidi the Hick said...

Hi! I just left a lengthy comment on your blog, on what I think was the second post you wriote, and then realized that you're more up to date! Sorry about that...I can't remember what I just wrote!

I do hope you can find my comment and read it. Come on over to mine if you have time. I'm a writer too but not published. Yet.

See ya!

Heidi the Hick said...

May I link your blog in my sidebar?

Shari Lapeña said...

Sure, go ahead!